Spring is here and with the mild temperatures and sunny days ahead, now is the perfect time to get outside and start training for BIGDOGBRAG. Don’t worry: we’re not asking you to prep for a marathon. BIGDOGBRAG is all about having fun in Colorado, and we want your training to be fun, too!
Our events in Colorado Springs (June 9) and Pueblo (June 30) are affordable and outrageous, with over 25 obstacles on a 5K course that can be tackled by anyone of any fitness level but will also challenge the Spartans and warriors who love a muddy adventure. If you haven’t signed up yet, don’t wait another minute! Click here to register for THE Colorado Run now.
This week we’ve interviewed one of the fittest guys in Colorado: Logan Haynes. We’re so thrilled that Logan is our Top Dog Trainer and intern for BIGDOGBRAG and wanted to share Logan’s background, find out what inspires him, and provide his training tips that we think will motivate you to turn off the TV or put down the iPad and head outdoors for some fresh air and fun!
BDB: Logan, what inspired you to start working out?

LOGAN: Well, in order to get the concept of what inspired me to start working out, we have to travel back to high school in good old 2008.  I had always been active in sports but never took it serious enough to get in shape for each of those given sports.  That is, until tennis came along.  I became a natural at tennis but in order to get stronger, I was going to have to train; build my muscles bigger so I could hit the ball harder.  That’s when I joined a gym and started focusing on different muscle groups to help my game.  In return, this made me produce a lot more endorphins and feel good on the inside and out. It was definitely worth it!BDB: What motivates you to keep fit?

LOGAN: My motivation stems from my fear of failure. I have a picture in my mind of what I want to look like.  In order to achieve that picture, I must stay focused and continue to work my body out the right way. Yes, it is a hard road to stay on. But it is worth it. I feel great after working out hard and eating right. If I don’t do this, I feel sluggish and unmotivated. It really ties all aspects of my life together and makes them flow smoothly. If you want to be successful, set goals and never settle for anything less than what you want to achieve! Also, never let anyone tell you will fail. Nobody knows you better than you. If someone else can’t do something, that does not mean you shouldn’t try!

BDB: What are a few things an “armchair” athlete can start doing now to prepare for BIGDOGBRAG?

LOGAN: Just get up and move, to start. It doesn’t matter what activity you do, as long as you are actively moving.  I would recommend doing cardio, in order to get your endurance up for the mud run.  This could be a walk around the neighborhood or biking down the street. Just get moving! Another great way to prepare is to go to your local playground and mess around on the monkey bars or run up some slides.  No professional athlete began at the pro level. They all started exactly where you are, at one point, and improved slowly. If you really want to recreate what you will see during the BIGDOGBRAG Mud Run, add some mud and water to whatever activity you choose to begin your training. That will really give you the full experience!

BDB: Why is BIGDOGBRAG the perfect event for athletes from all walks of life?

LOGAN: The BIGDOGBRAG MUD RUN is the perfect event for athletes from all walks of life because it incorporates obstacles that everyone, from the athlete just starting out to the seasoned mud runner, can do. The word FUN is emphasized at the BIGDOGBRAG MUD RUN. Whether you are doing this event by yourself, with friends or with family, you are going to have a good time.  We are not trying to beat times, beat other people or try to get the fastest time out there!  We aim to give athletes a chance to have fun with their family, friends and company team. But of course, I can promise you one thing: you will get muddy and have the biggest grin on your face when you cross that finish line.

BDB: Any special training tips for our readers? Meal plans, water intake during training? The number of hours they should sleep every night? Tips for kids, parents, middle-aged folks?

LOGAN: If you would like to go above and beyond just getting active to get ready for the run, then listen up.  Nutrition is the most important part to getting the most out of your training sessions. If you stress your muscles and do not give them the energy they need to be replenished and grow, then you are only hurting your gains. The correct food also makes a huge difference in your recovery. The way I eat to recover is like that of a cave man. I eat only that from which comes from or is on this earth naturally. That includes beef, chicken, ham, fish, etc. for protein. This includes A LOT of vegetables, fruits and rice for carbohydrates. Finally, I include nuts and natural vegetable oils for fats. You also want to keep hydrated as best you can. You’ll want to drink at least 8 cups of water a day in order to keep your body from overheating, especially important in Colorado. I carry a half gallon jug with me at all times. Got to stay hydrated!!!  For sleep, try and get no less than 8 hours of sleep a night. All this other stuff is very important in becoming fit, but none is more important than getting a good night’s sleep. Recovery is the most important part of gaining muscle mass and losing fat.

One major tip I have for kids, teens, young adults, parents, middle-aged and older folks is to listen to your body! Do not over-push yourself! This can lead to injury or over-exertion. Listen to your body. It will tell you when you should stop or if something is not right.
More about Logan Haynes, Top Dog Trainer
Logan has been working out in some manner for the last 10 years. He told us that “one thing you must never forget is that your dreams and goals will not come overnight! It takes hard work and dedication to achieve the body or goals you want. One way to do this is to continue to learn and educate yourself in whatever field you would like to learn more in. I received my Level 1 Crossfit Trainer Certification because I wanted to learn more about nutrition, building muscle and how to get the most growth from training and recovery. But one thing I will not stop doing is learning about how to get better in nutrition and fitness. It really helps.”BIGDOGBRAG is honored to have Logan Haynes on our team as our Top Dog Trainer. You’ll also be seeing mud run workout and training videos shot by Logan, who is also a professional filmmaker when he’s not doing Crossfit. See all the TOP DOG aka Blu’s Training videos here.
Thanks so much, Logan. We’re looking forward to the funnest mud run events in Colorado Springs and Pueblo with you on board!
Big Dog
Ready to sign up for the only local Colorado Mud Run? Families, workplaces, and organizations are encouraged to sign up as teams. Click here for details. BIGDOGBRAG is June 9, 2018, in Colorado Springs and June 30, 2018, in Pueblo
BIGDOGBRAG-Scholarships for Students 2018 - Colorado Mud Run